
Does Cloud Migration Benefit a Business?

Do you remember the time when storage meant pen drives and software came on CDs? Looking back, it seems so distant, as we are now living in the times of cloud computing. In the past decade, internet-powered cloud mechanisms have taken the business world by storm. In the past year, the USA alone had $10 million worth of expenses on cloud migration. And why not? 10% of the companies have chosen to migrate their data, apps, and services to the cloud for the wide range of advantages that come along. Before decoding the benefits and drawbacks of cloud migration, let’s take a look at what cloud computing means.

What is Cloud Computing?

To put it simply, cloud computing relates to services or resources that you can access from the internet at any time and make recurring payments for. Some common examples of such services are storage, database management, software analytics, and servers. Cloud computing simplifies your IT needs and lowers your overall operating costs. Organizations are using it to boost their business and have an advantage over the competition. There are three kinds of cloud services:

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): Revolves around data backup, storage, and security.

Software as a Service (SaaS): Provides access to all types of software requirements.

PaaS (Platform as a Service): You get access to a framework and functions that allow you to create your own software/application.

The Advantages of Cloud Migration

By now, you can probably guess that cloud services are renowned for their attractive features. Often, it provides your company with a much-needed competitive edge. If you are still wondering what’s all the hype about, check out these advantages of cloud migration:


Probably the biggest highlight of any cloud service platform is that it easily kicks away the drawbacks of traditional methods as you get access to everything from the internet. And, in today's age, the internet can be accessed quite easily. Resources are just one Google search away from company executives, allowing them to take vital financial decisions. Organizations that use cloud services have better chances of success, as cloud migration eliminates workload demands and increases traffic.

Secure Storage

Gone are the days when you needed to worry about corrupted storage devices and data security. Cloud services have advanced security that doesn’t allow access to anyone other than the administrator. Moreover, you get higher storage options and can increase your plan as your business grows. Since there is no physical storage for your data, you will never lose it, and you can have access from multiple accounts or devices. Businesses with seasonal traffic benefit the most from it, as they can make changes to their plans with ease. If you do not wish to avail of their services for a month, you can simply cancel your subscription and resume when you want.


It isn’t just the subscription that you can choose; you can test all the available options before choosing one. Most service platforms come with a trial period where your team can test compatibility. After you’ve thoroughly understood the software, try it for a while, and if it doesn’t work out, move on to the next one. Once you’ve reached the end of the list, choose the platform that seems the most compatible and reap the benefits.

Task Automation

We discussed earlier that cloud migration allows you to meet workforce demands. The platform takes a little pressure off your team. Since everything is updated and maintained by the service-providing company, you do not need to worry about maintaining the software; you just use it whenever you need it. In case of any issues, you can simply contact the provider, and they will fix it for you. while your team focuses on other responsibilities. Cloud computing has significantly simplified the IT sector and is anticipated to improve further.

Reduced Cost

It is common knowledge that cloud migrations reduce overall company costs. Not only do you need smaller workforces to function, but they have additional benefits that reduce expenses. You get to decide when you need a particular service; many platforms even allow one-time charges if you do not need them regularly. All cloud service platforms are built to increase efficiency while cutting expenses, a win-win situation for all.

Key Takeaways

Now that we have decoded the basics of cloud migration, here are a few things that you must consider before making a move. Regardless of what you think of cloud migration, you must know these to have a better understanding.

Calculate the Cost

Not every platform is meant to drive your business forward, and often similar services are offered at cheaper prices. The costlier ones provide something extra, but before buying the best one, test it out. It may turn out that you do not need all those additional features and could be doing well enough with the low-cost platforms.

Have Regular Backups

Considering that your data is sensitive, it is advised that you keep a physical backup at all times that is only accessible to you. As security on cloud services is prone to rare occurrences, it is a wiser decision to have a regular personal backup space. If you keep the files encrypted, the chances of having them stolen also drop significantly. And even so, if you end up losing the physical drive or corrupting it, you can quickly get another storage device and download all the information from cloud storage.

Hire Cloud Experts

Cloud migration is often a tricky process, and professional help never hurts. Not only will they ensure a smooth transition, but they will also handle any issues that may arise. Also, having expertise in your field will keep you from getting ripped off by any third parties.

Test Various Platforms

Every platform offers a different combination of features, and there is only one way to find out which one fits your business. Testing them is the ideal way to go; take your time during the trial period to thoroughly understand all the aspects of the platform. Keep making a note as you go and choose the best one.

Consider The Risk

Cloud migration is a tricky and long process that comes with a few risks. These aren’t drawbacks, as migrating data from one system to another also involves risk, but we do so very often. Cloud migration is similar; there is a risk of losing all the data in the process. The hack is to create a separate backup even before getting started.

Seek Professional Assistance

Devsoft USA is renowned globally for helping hundreds of organisations go cloud-based. Our team of experts is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to protect your data. Find the ideal partner for your cloud migration venture at Devsoft.

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